"We are sharing the power of faith past, present and future
while living life in the SpotLight!"
"In The SpotLight With Teresa Hannah" is about our lives...people sharing and promoting positive lifestyles.
These new positive lifestyles have only appeared in their lives through trials and tribulations experienced in their lives. And the new learned results that The Most High intended for our lives to become abundant in every facet of our lives.
A word of encouragement:
There are those times in each of our lives when we are required by the Most High to be tested. To come out of our cozy or familiar faith habitats in our everyday lives into unfamiliar territories and uncomfortable real life, troubling situations that challenge our faith. These things are required lessons to test our faith. They come in order to increase our dependence, faith and trust in the Most High.
This process or required test(s) that appears in our lives is developed by our Elohiym and it is a different or custom test for each of us. Yes, it can be a very painful and hard test. Yet, the results will definitely ascertain the Most High’s close position to us and in our lives. We learn that we can trust and depend on Yahuah; and that He will be with us through everything. Know this, that YAH will see us through each and every difficult, and heart-breaking test.
I prefer through past testing experiences to dwell in a place called Trust as I step out in Present & Future Faith as He calls me to the testing site. For I know that the purpose of the test is Trust. Yes, we must Trust in Him completely.
Please Know this, “that the Most High Knows that these tests will give us – what He wants for us and that is what is best for our soul’s graduation date. The passing grade is much desired toward The Great Graduation Day for Our Souls!
In closing;
"May The Most High Bless You Real, Real Good!"